100 Days of Code: Day 1 - Cyber Guard Name Generator

Challenge: 100 Days of Code with Python

Day: 1


Today marks the beginning of my 100 Days of Code challenge with Python. I am excited to embark on this journey and improve my coding skills by working on various projects daily. For Day 1, I created a simple yet fun project: the "Cyber Guard Name Generator." This tool generates strong and secure-sounding names for cybersecurity firms by creatively combining user inputs.

Project: Cyber Guard Name Generator

The idea behind this project is to take input from the user and generate a unique name that could be used for a cybersecurity firm. This name is formed by combining the last city the user visited, their favorite color, and their favorite number.

The Code:

Here is the Python code for the Cyber Guard Name Generator:

# Create a greeting for your program.

print("Welcome to the Cyber Guard Name Generator. Generates strong and secure-sounding names for cybersecurity firms")

# Ask the user for the last city that they visited.

city = input("What's the name of the city you last visited?\n")

# Ask the user for their favorite color.

color = input("What's your favorite color?\n")

# Ask the user for their favorite number.

number = input("What's your favorite number?\n")

# Combine the name of the city, color, and number to show them their Cyber Guard name.

print("Your Cyber Guard name could be " + city + " " + color + " " + number)

How It Works:

  1. Greeting: The program starts by welcoming the user and explaining its purpose.

  2. User Input: It then asks the user for three pieces of information:

    • The last city they visited.

    • Their favorite color.

    • Their favorite number.

  3. Generating the Name: It combines these inputs to create and display a unique Cyber Guard name.


Let's say the user inputs the following:

  • The last city visited: "Paris."

  • Favorite color: "Blue"

  • Favorite number: "7"

The program will output:

Your Cyber Guard name could be Paris Blue 7


This simple project was a great way to start my 100 Days of Code challenge. It reinforced basic concepts like user input and string concatenation while providing a fun and interactive way to generate creative names. Stay tuned for more exciting projects in the coming days!

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Happy coding!


100 Days of Code: Day 2 - Tip Calculator


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